Saturday, November 10, 2012


My greatly appreciated comment on ‘Try Before You Buy: Why Smart People & Smart Companies Are Ditching the Interview’ by Hunter Walk on LinkedIn. This comment also helped me win 5 more invites to connect from the readers worldwide who loved it…


Dear Hunter Walk, (I doubt whether this is your real name, if it is, it certainly is doing justice to your point of view and profession, I guess!) its a good discussion you have brought on table, the only thing it would have made more sense on some HR or Consultants Group discussions and you might have got an opportunity to hear from a larger and specific audience. Anyway, that is your absolute privilege I would not dare to encroach. About the topic of discussion, apart from its little agitating title “Try Before You Buy” putting the invaluable human resources in the commodity category, the point what I understood is an arrangement wherein you can test the waters before deciding to dive full length. I have three points to mention in this regard
1.       Although this arrangement is already in place for many companies worldwide and should be welcomed by the others who haven’t tried it yet, it cannot and will not replace (‘ditch’ as you call it) the ‘Interview’ process as there is fundamental difference between the objective, patterns, process and outcome of these two. The closest example to illustrate this difference could be ‘courtship’ and ‘getting into relationship’
2.       I very strongly recommend and support this arrangement for all my clients and the word I prefer to use for this arrangement is ‘Probation’ – A testing period for both sides. There is a serious misconception that Probation period applies to the employee only. The truth is its a mutual affair and during the probation period employee gets an opportunity to learn more about the work culture and job functions as an insider.
3.       Finally, about the pros and cons, for commitment – It is always better to find out the level of commitment in matter of few months than finding it out after years together. For looking for better alternative, again it is always there and in today’s fiercely competing and ruthlessly aggressive customer-drives economies, everybody is looking for optimum returns in minimum time. Instant gratification is the keyword for both sides and either is likely to exit the obligation on the first better opportunity available, let alone the loyalty. And ‘Security’ in general and ‘Job security’ in particular is a luxury nowadays very few can afford. Or if looked at in a different perspective, only dumb or a conservative will seek. If the fish itself is eager to find a bigger net with a bigger bait, why the fisherman will care. Rolling stone ONLY gathers moss is the new career mantra.
To sum up my comment that is posing a threat to stretch longer than the article itself, I will conclude with – no matter what name or terms you apply to it, it is always better to test drive a vehicle before starting the race... that is what the business has turned to lately in more than one manner.
Thanks for stimulating my brain to burn a chunk of grey cells...
Regards and continue the Hunter Walk!

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