Sunday, August 5, 2012


About 2500 years ago, a prince concerned by the consequences of life renounced the kingdom in search of Ultimate Truth and Peace and we had BUDDHA. About 500 years ago, again a prince disinclined to lure in the luxurious but slavish life of a ‘Sardar’ resolved to set his own kingdom with his own rules and we had SHIVAJI. About 100 years ago, a Barrister who could have lived a prince’s life by tying a blindfold for all the inequalities, injustice and dictatorship chose to do the otherwise and we had GANDHI.

The common thread between all these stories is – If egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside.

On Wednesday 17 August 2011 at this same place I have written about Anna Hazare’s ‘Revolution’ with the title ‘Protest…!?!’ and have raised just 5 questions, I am still awaiting the answer to at least one. Instead of answers to my questions what I hear is the NEWS with Anna’s Political VIEWS!

So why am I writing today? To claim that, exactly one year before, I was right OR I have forecasted the upshot of this activity at the outset OR to once again raise some fundamental questions in the light of these undesirable and obnoxious developments?

Well, to put it all together piece by piece, I will take the route of Aamir’s ‘Satyamev Jayate’, the supposedly most socially awakening talk show of the date. I would like to request all the readers to take a review of all the activities in this so-called Anti-corruption Revolution sequentially but this time not acting as an enthusiast and excited candle-march supporter, but a real social activist and analyst. You yourself will find very surprising lacunas and pitfalls right from the beginning as I wrote in my post ‘Protest’

These are not the solutions, not even the ‘Satyamev Jayate’. At the extent of optimism, these could be whistle-blowers or war trumpets but not the solution. The real solution is WITHIN and will manifest only by Evolution and not by some filmy, glamorous Revolution. I would, one more time, reiterate the fact that if EVERYBODY undergoes moral self-examination and just keep check on his or her INTENTIONS and not INCENTIVES (Team Anna and Aamir included), everything is going to be fine and we can SURELY have the INDIA, why, the WORLD of philosopher’s and thinker’s dreams.

Tell yourSELF 'If anybody can make a difference, it’s ME…!'

Stay tuned and Do not just Like, Share or Support but CONTRIBUTE…!

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