Friday, December 9, 2011


This is neither a story, nor a soup for soul or something like that. Not a cliché or even an inspirational story of any sort. This definitely doesn’t give a moral but poses questions instead. Go for it with a relaxed, calm and unprejudiced mind to see if you can find answer to any questions at the end. This is an exercise without any marks; all you get is enlightenment if you succeed…!

There was this school for – psychology calls it mentally challenged, developed society calls it ‘special’ – children. And there was this 100 meter race for 10 children as part of their physical education and development. This boy ‘A’ was ‘bright’ otherwise but had this phobia for physical activities in general and running in particular. While ‘A’ was on the verge of breaking into tears and quitting the race, he overheard the whistle and, almost bedazzled, started to run down the track.

To his surprise ‘A’ found himself leading the race and was about to finish it in the FIRST place when he got stumbled just 10 meters before the finish line and fall flat on his face over the track. ‘A’ was baffled and completely confused about what to do next. His brain seemed to stop functioning and the mind was overwhelmed with inseparable mixture of emotions, making no sense at all. Time stood still and a moment seemed as long as an era. ‘A’ couldn’t make what was happening and as he started regaining his conscious what he saw was…

All his ‘competitors’ were around him helping him to get up and make him finish the race. With the support of 9 ‘contestants’ ‘A’ managed to reach the finish line that seemed miles away. All the 10 participants finished the race at the same moment, making a row holding hands. All were the winners and there was neither a ‘foul’ nor a ‘tie’ except the bond that they tied…!

Now if these ‘special’ children have already learned to…

Enjoy the pace without the race…
Play a game without fame…
Feel compassion without competition…
Choose winning without sinning…
And to ‘BE’ over the ‘ME’

How would we like them to ‘grow’ and mature into ‘developed adults’ who…

Get graduation but lacks education…
Has the opinion but defer the contribution…
Make a fortune but miss the loony-tune…
Know the self-worth but neglect the real worth…
Can get the license to drive but can’t drive the CHANGE…?

Well, if you are waiting for a moral or message or insight here and eager to know what celebrity that ‘A’ became in his adulthood… as told earlier, you would be disappointed. This is a real story of a real ‘A’ who is still at that school and I am glad he is still ‘Special’ and I don’t want him to be 'normal'… ever!

For the message, if you must have any, try to find your ‘normal’cy against the ‘special’ty…!

Stay tuned and S-P-E-C-I-A-L…!

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