Saturday, January 22, 2011


Continuing with the last post… As a whole I think there is a tendency in most of us to underestimate just how powerful we are. Just how much potential lies inside each and every one of us – waiting to be explored and exploited. (Click on the title to read some inspiring quotes about 'Uniqueness')

The reality is if you discover just how special you are – and how much efforts went into making you unique – that you are – I'm sure you'd immediately know that nothing can truly keep you from achieving what you want to accomplish.

Friends, the journey is not always an easy one – very little of lasting or true value is first paved with an easy road. In fact, upon reflection we often find it's during the times which we believed to be most challenging that end up eventually serving to make us better, and more prepared to meet with success in our given endeavors.

What I'm suggesting is that the skills it takes to become that which we desire to be are learned most often through times of hardship or unrest. Certainly the good times and study in self-improvement plays a part, but don't discount the importance of life's challenges either. In the end all parts of our life can be valuable teachers.

We need only accept that each event – positive or negative – can hold in it an opportunity to be made better for having experienced it. Now that's certainly not to say that we're going to find some sort of joy in each and every one of life's events – certainly not the negative ones anyway, but learning – YES!

However, I believe it's worthwhile to look for the lessons that exist in both the good and bad in our lives. Being careful not to linger and overindulge on the negative. Remember, there is a huge difference between indulging and simply learning from and moving on...!

Always remember that your very presence is a gift to this world. Honor the creator which gave you that gift by developing and sharing your unique talents with the world.

More often than not you will find that you attract into your life what you put out…

Think over it and Stay tuned…!

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