Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life Etc...!?!

Today was the final day of 9th Pune International Film Festival and boy, what an experience…! I managed to watch only 22 movies and not all of them were good. Few, (like ‘Silent Wedding’ - greatest black comedy I’ve ever seen) were awesome and never to be missed while others were quite mundane and rest were painfully irritating and making absolutely no sense (at least to me…!)

Nevertheless experience was the criteria that won the battle between good and bad. As all the films were aimed at somebody’s life,  I recollected some profound thoughts about life and summarized them for you. Read, Learn and Get it right…! (Click on the tilte to read a collection of small articles about LIFE)

  • I asked GOD to give me everything so that I can enjoy life…              
GOD replied – I have given you life to enjoy everything…!!
  • Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it to the best we can…
There is no perfect life as such, but we can fill life with perfect moments…
  • Life is so short
Break the rules, forgive & forget quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly and never avoid anything that makes you smile...

  • Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning how to dance in the rain...
  • Life is what happens to you...
While you are busy planning it… 

Live Life to the fullest  and Stay tuned...!

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