Wednesday, September 1, 2010


All right! We have reached the concluding part of this. Today we will discover the last but not the least means of keeping worry at bay…!

5. Tomorrow will come anyway. Live and fully enjoy here and now.

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”
Leo F. Buscaglia

It may sometimes seem that by worrying we can less the sorrow of tomorrow. But it never works. It only sucks the life out of today and this moment. To be able to live better today and to be able to take that action to prevent the possible sorrow it’s important to learn to live in the present moment. Because it’s there that you can do things in the best possible way with your focus fully on what you are doing.

Three of my favourite techniques for drawing me back to the now are these (the first one is the one I use most often right now):

a) Focus on what’s right in front of you… Or around you... Use your senses. Just look at what’s right in front of you right now. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the fabric of your clothes and focus on how they feel. Cognize the ambience around you. Think of ways to improve your atmosphere, your universe. Find things to do and get involved wholeheartedly. Be still right there and just take in the world around you.
b) Pick up the vibe from present people... If you know someone that is more present than most people then you can pick his/her vibe of presence (just like you can pick up positivity or enthusiasm from people). If you don’t know someone like that then I have often recommended listening/watching to inspirational, motivational and positive stuff of your choice. I can sure recommend some books or videos but as they say ‘what is medicine for one could be poison for the other’, I don’t want to take chances…!
c) Yoga and Meditation… There is loads of material available about Yoga and meditation for your experiment and, who knows, it may become the favourite way for reconnecting with the present. You can just relax and listen to the soothing relaxation tracks. Afterwards you will feel relaxed and energized and your loud thinking will shut down or decrease significantly for maybe half a day. This makes it a lot easier to be in the present moment and just focus on what is going on right now. There are several ways of relaxation and meditation but again for the reasons of personification I would not recommend mine. Everybody should explore and find its own…
That was all about worry for now. Try and practice all these ways and when you rediscover yourself please feel free to add your comments here…
Tomorrow we will listen to a story. Till then… Bye and Stay tuned…!

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