Tuesday, September 21, 2010


How possessive and obsessed you are of your Belongings…! How you love to be in possession of them…! Does it really make you happy, satisfied and content… OR … is it the other way round…!

Once there was a very rich and greedy man. He loved and hoarded jewels.

One day a visitor asked to see them. So the jewels were brought out, amid much expensive security, and the two men gazed at the wonderful stones.

As the visitor was leaving he said, "Thank you for sharing your jewels with me."
"I didn't give them to you," exclaimed the rich man, "They belong to me."

"Yes of course," replied the visitor, "And while we enjoyed the jewels just the same, the real difference between us is your trouble and expense of buying and protecting them."

Think again of all your belongings...! Stay tuned...!

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