Monday, September 13, 2010

A Cup of Tea...!

Starting today we will enjoy some ZEN stories of immense wisdom and extraordinary insight. Let’s give our souls an opportunity to get out of the materialistic chores and see how they decide to go with it.

Although ignorance could be bliss, apathy sure is a crime…!

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.

Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. "It is overfull. No more will go in!"

"Like this cup," Nan-in said, "you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"

Try to empty yourself before trying to learn something new and stay tuned...!

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