Sunday, September 26, 2010


So, little confused about the path to take? Can’t decide where to…? Cool down. Don’t be panic and don’t throw tantrums at yourself. We will get there with baby steps – step by step – one thing at a time. After all we have 97 days left, don’t we…?

This is the first step of what we are going to call a Strategic Creative Initiative - SCI for short, how is that?

Our SCI will be based on the FIVE Major elements or actions that will define the course of the matter.
1. Assessment – Evaluating the situation – what we have.
2. Analyze – Brainstorming for the permutations and combinations with SWOT analysis.
3. Improve – Amendments to the present factors when and where necessary – Restructure.
4. Implement – Making the amendments effective in routine – Habit building.
5. Govern – Administer and control the activities to head in the right direction.

These elements define the pattern of our progress but the units that we will work on can be grouped as-
1. Persona – Physique, Mind and Relations that defines the – ATTITUDE of self
2. Work – Skills, Capacities and Excellence that defines the – APTITUDE of self
3. Society – Awareness, Contribution and Responsibilities that defines the – APPLICATION of self
4. Humanity – Love, Brotherhood and Peace should define the – AMBITION of self
5. Universe – Oneness, Spirituality and Enlightenment would define the – APPROACH of self

Today we will discuss the first unit of our initiative – ATTITUDE


When you hear the word attitude, what do you think about? I think of attitude as an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior. People always project on the outside what they feel on the inside. Some people try to mask their attitude, and they can fool others for a while. But that cover-up doesn’t last long. Attitude always wiggles its way out.

Your attitude colors every aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colors – creating a masterpiece. Or it can make everything dark and dreary. Attitude is so pervasive and important that I’ve come to think of it like this:

It is the vanguard of your true self.
Its root is inward but its fruit is outward.
It is your best friend or worst enemy.
It is more honest and consistent about you than your words.
It is what draws people to you or repels them.
It is never content until it is expressed.
It is the librarian of your past.
It is the speaker of your present.
It is the prophet of your future.

There is not a single part of your current life that is not affected by your attitude. And your future will definitely be influenced by the attitude you carry with you from today forward.
- The Difference Maker


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