Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 Days...!

Today is 23rd September 2010. Okay, so what’s the big deal? Yesterday was 22nd and tomorrow will be 24th! It was the same last year and the decade before and all the previous centuries of AD. It would be exactly the same next year, the next decade and next century and many more centuries to come… The Sun will raise the same and set the same. The wind will continue to flow its course. Water, however changed in form and quality, would continue to exist. Birds will sing, rains would harvest the crops and night will accompany the starry sky… So how does it make a different day on 23rd September 2010…?

Well, there are only TWO methods to CHANGE – Evolution and Revolution. Evolution is the nature’s process of manifestation of imperative and eventual Change, which obviously takes centuries and ages. No mortal changes on its own unless somebody decides to change the course of matter. And somebody deciding to change the course of time starts Revolution. This revolutionary has to be aware, committed, confident and absolute believer to see the results…

Once upon a time there was this King who although, was confident of victory in the imminent battle, he knew his men had their doubts. So along the way, he stopped at a temple and told them, “After I visit the temple, I will toss a coin. If it turns up heads, we will win; if it turns up tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand.” With that, The King entered the temple to pray. Then, he reappeared before his men and tossed the coin. Miraculously, the coin turned up heads. Reassured that the Gods favored them, his soldiers were now eager for battle. The sudden thunderstorm that followed the mid-day heat further boosted their confidence as it was perfect for a surprise attack.

While the enemies took shelter from the storm, King carefully deployed his troops. Once the rain stopped, they charged down upon the unsuspecting enemy in the gorge. Taken completely by surprise, the enemy King fled from the battlefield. In the chaos, many enemy generals died. With the death of the enemy leaders, the rest of the army dispersed. And so, in one surprise attack, King repelled the enemy and regained control of his territory.

“No one can change the hand of destiny,” his attendant told him after the battle. “Indeed not,” said the King as he took out a coin with heads on both sides…!

No, no… this battle was not fought on 23rd September… So what happened to 23rd September? Make a swift switch from history to maths and you can easily figure out that Today is the First day of the Final 100 Days of this calendar year 2010. Now how would you like to spend these 100 days? Just the same you did all these years? If your answer is ‘yes’ you will have the same life, the same surroundings, the same people to interact with and the same topics for discussions. If it is okay with you, do nothing! As it is, this place is not for the rat racers who never want to get off that spin-wheel. But if you are one of those looking forward to discover your true Being and with the newfound and profound insights will take their chances to Making A Difference, starting today we will explore and experiment this MAD philosophy.

Stay tuned...!

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