Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Of all the virtues and values the one continuously pops up to top the list time and again is the loyalty.
What is loyalty?
How can we define loyalty?
Can we measure the loyalty?
Is it possible to introduce loyalty?
What are the factors governing loyalty?
How to employ the virtue of loyalty in a person?
What could be the repercussions of disloyalty?
And finally…
Is loyalty extinct?

Well that is quite a questionnaire and we would try to go really slow and in-detail on this one.

The dictionary says loyalty is - The state or quality of being loyal.
It further says – faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc.
But will this suffice? Well, I would like to differ…

Being loyal starts with your own soul, morale and conscious
It then extends to your family and relations
On it’s progress it should encompass society in general
Then comes your profession or position
Here we can add the government or organization to the list
Gradually it should attend the nation or constitution
And to sum it up it should be regarded to the universe or planet. Nature, you can call it.

Although for the sake of statistics we have defined a chronological list, loyalty is and should be integral and consistent and not something that is flexible or ever-changing

Being loyal is like being non-violent. The only requisite is
- Not to kill the faith – of anybody or anything including self.
- Doing only the things that would not give you sleepless nights or restlessness.
- Believing in what you do and doing it wholeheartedly
- Always feeling guiltless and self-respectable
- Holding your head high and not being afraid of direct eye-contact
- Having a noble and righteous purpose for all your deeds
- Never compromising on grounds of helplessness, pressure, need or circumstances
- Being dependable and true to everyone and everything
- unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause

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