Monday, February 15, 2010


Upon waking up, name at least ten people you're thankful for- recount those in your life who've had a positive impact on you. Think of those who have in some way helped to make you the unique person you are.

Don't sell yourself short here. No matter what place you mayfind yourself in now, you're still an amazing person, with unique gifts and talents. You don't have to believe it, but it's still the absolute truth!

Practicing gratitude is a powerful thing that helps to reconnect us with our inner power, and the abilities which make up who we are.

Give thanks for your talents and skills - each of us has been blessed with special skills and talents. You may not feel as though you've completely developed all of yours upto this point in your life, but that doesn't change the fact that you've got them.

Think through those things that others compliment you on, those are talents. Don't underestimate all the amazing bits and pieces that go into making you the person you are. As you identify and give thanks for the talents that were bestowed upon you commit to develop them and become more proficient in their use...

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