Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Think or Sink...!?!

Global warming is not just a concept or propaganda.
We will be killed if it is not sealed!
It is more than a threat and not less than Armageddon.
The only difference is this war is between greedy and sagacious
Now it’s up to you to decide on which side to stand when battle lines are drawn.
There are lots of movements and initiatives regarding this all over the world.
But human still seems to be ignorant of the catastrophe that is imminent.
They say that one picture is worth thousand words…
I am going to follow the same and present a collection of absolutely intelligent and apt pictures around the globe and let’s see whether the publication of those enlighten the evil in human who is indifferent otherwise.

Here is the First picture of Think or Sink series...

Good Day (As long as we can see the daylight...!?!)

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