Saturday, December 19, 2009


Today, I want you to visit at least one of following links to have a glimpse of the incredible example of self-governace...

Local Self-Governance and Complete Self-Awareness are the needs of time, especially of our country and it's high time that we have chewed on this matter for years. Now it's time for action and supporting the activities like this with interactive communication and path-setting initiatives. We can no more leave our state-of-affairs in the dirty hands of the impotent politicians and the greedy businessmen or try to live on the mercy of bureaucracy. This is the most profound example of Mahatma Gandhi’s dream realized in it’s true sense and it should be regarded as the Model for all the villages and towns along the lengths and breadths of India and even beyond India. We – the people – should start a phenomenon to pressurize the governing bodies to adopt, empower and presume this Model for all the future policies, projects, decisions and constitutional activities.

I hope the least everyone of us can do is –
1. Visit Hivre Bazar with friends and family.
2. Encourage people to lead a self-governed life
3. Speak, write, publish in every available media about it
4. Be more proactive and aware about every single thing around us
5. Assuming the authority and accepting the responsibility of the social tasks

Three cheers for Hivre Bazar! Keep up the GREAT work!!

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