Sunday, December 4, 2022

Privilege to Choose…!

I chose to break away from the systems and the expectations and imprison me. I started to live a conscious mindful life and because of that I got to live purposefully and fully. I have exposure to beautiful villages on stunning mountains across running streams all across a beautiful world!

I meet local heroes that inspire me to become a better person every day, teach me about love, privilege, perseverance and strength! So I ask you what if some of the choices that you are faced with, which side of the glass window are you on.

Are you filling your can with mosquito-infested brown murky water or are you choosing between your morning milk obverses latte or perhaps your afternoon sandwich versus a salad? Do you have privilege in your choices and if so what do you do with that privilege?

And let's take this even further, are you living a life that the system has precondition usefulness or are you living the life you really want? Are you using meaningless choices to distract from that one choice that really means something?

What is that inner voice?

What is that voice you can no longer ignore?

What is that one choice but is so authentically you that will make you a slightly better and happier person?

What is that one choice that could defy all reason to make the world just a slightly better place?

I definitely don't have all the answers and I still have a lot of life to live, stories to tell and choices to make. I feel like my life's work has just begun. But what I do know is that when you embrace the uncomfortable and start making mindful conscious choices, change becomes possible and perhaps tomorrow because of you, one more person will have the privilege to choose…!