Saturday, March 20, 2021


The only human (?) emotion or feeling that is being nurtured lately is of being competitive. And this competitiveness has nothing to do with the competency, mind you, but being successful. Moreover, this Success is hardly measured by quality of life or being happy, it is about the possessions. These possessions have to be branded, hence expensive and to possess and maintain all of those, a lot of resources are required. The resources would be generated by bagging more and more work by hook or crook, then working hard to keep the work coming and finally keeping the customers ‘happy’ even if their demands are illogical, unjustified to the extent of being indecent or immoral.

This is what is called as vicious circle in which you can get in quite easily, you know, because the whole (value?) system is designed and developed to facilitate your entry into it; but can’t get out of it… ever, forget easily, only your spirit (?) might escape it, God knows! It goes round and round and as the basics of geometry has it – a circle doesn’t have a start or endpoint, only a center and quadrants… at the most Tangents, if you choose to be one, but then you are not the part of the circle anymore!

Had it been a personal matter of individual interest, there was no need to pay any heed to it; however, the very structure of a civilized society is weaved with individuals that cannot be isolated and left to live in silos. Every human being is connected to the other and the bio-system and the ecology, in one way or other and can make its environment stink just like a rotten fruit that can spoil the entire basket, because the self-centered and ‘possessive’ competitiveness is no healthier but is full of ignorance, even worst, hatred towards others. The winning in this competition is all about 'I, Me and Myself!' This selfishness knows no limits as it, not only takes for granted, but completely underestimates the others forming the pyramid on top of which the privileged ‘I’ stands.

This obsession for self-growth and apathy towards everything else is terminal to the humanity and to the nature by and large. Why, because it is fundamentally against the nature’s law of circular motion. A seed gets sown into the soil and the groundwater helps it sprout. Once it breaks the ground to emerge as a plant, Sun, Rain and Wind do their job to facilitate nature taking its course and a huge tree is born. Once the foliage is full-grown, it generates flowers and fruits with the essential elements to develop a seed that will go into the soil and a new cycle will begin. A shrub, plant, creeper or a tree, irrespective of its size and family, follows the circular motion and keeps the nature’s law circulating. A tree, no matter how big and old, serves as the home for innumerable insects, birds, animals and many other species, bears fruits as per the season and even becomes a shelter for the passer byes, but never boasts its riches or expects anything in return, even 'privileges' for being a privileged huge old 'cultured' tree!

Except for every saleable commodity that humans can extract from the trees and the jungle, when would we return to the jungle and see a tree to take some life lessons...?

Humanity is dead, long live the nature...!