Sunday, January 3, 2021


I have been a great fan of TED Talks and followed all of those ideas spread through this platform, religiously. The very idea of spreading ideas that are worth spreading fascinated me and the non-religious, non-corporate and apolitical character of TED made it my favorite for all these years. TEDsters – Started as a For-profit Conference by Richard Saul Wurman went through a transformation in 2002 when TEDTalks became a not-for-profit volunteer-led endeavor.

Chris Anderson the TedTalks Custodian – as he likes to call himself addressed the audience wherein he narrated this transition frilled with his own life experience of a roller-coaster ride. This talk, which is not a typical TED Talk but something very fundamental to the very idea of TEDTalks, might be almost 2 decades old, but the situations and the life-changing experiences are more relevant today than ever with the life-threatening outbreak of pandemic that the world has witnessed, we are still not recovered fully from the aftermath of it!
“And the reason I'm telling this story is that I believe, from many conversations, that a lot of people in this room have been through a similar kind of rollercoaster -- emotional rollercoaster -- in the last couple years. This has been a big, big transition time, and I believe that this conference can play a big part for all of us in taking us forward to the next stage to whatever's next. The theme next year is re-birth.”
And something more deep to ponder on…
“And I think what disgusts me more than anything, looking back, is how the hell did I let my personal happiness get so tied up with this business thing?”
Let us reorganize rest of our lives by focusing on what matters most to our own self...

Can we...?