Sunday, March 29, 2020


There is absolutely nothing in Nature to suggest that it cares more about Homo sapiens, which is Human species, more than it does about Daffodils. We the Humans would someday become extinct as easily and in no time just like many other species that became extinct in front of our eyes. All its children are equal for Mother Nature. Whenever a threat is posed to Nature’s Balance, it finds a way to counter it at any cost for sure.

If and when we, the people, become the reason for any such imbalance (which we are already since ‘development’ has shifted its gear and is fueled by ‘technological advancements’) Nature will take its corrective course and will not care to show more affection towards Michael Angelo, Shakespeare or Mozart than she will show for Daffodils.

We are playing with a supreme power which itself is life (which is omnipresent and which is the manifestation of energy that could neither be generated nor destroyed only conserved), such a power about which our knowledge is almost Zero. All we know about that Supreme Power called Nature is that it doesn’t discriminate between the species.

Let us Be Aware and Change our Ways before Mother Nature changes Hers...!