
Friday, March 29, 2019


A lot of heated debates and discussions of virtue are going around about the 'Mankading' of Jos Buttler by R. Ashwin in one of those IPL T20 Cricket Matches, yes that evolved form of Great Indian Royal Circus extravaganza organised to entertain the Elite-Upper-Middle class of Indian society. I just fail to understand why so much hullabaloo about a Captain's legitimate act to win a crucial game when everybody else is doing the same leading from the front (or top)...? I mean, why so many concerns about 'sportsmanship spirit' while every other trick – in the book or out-of-the-box – is not just accepted but presumed in every other form of contests? When every bowler is balling all no-balls, wide balls and even Bodyline when it is restricted long back as illegitimate, and every batsman is attempting all the unconventional, improvised at the very moment, including ‘Reverse Sweep’, shots to score as many votes... err runs, as possible, why R. Ashwin is to be blamed for doing something extremely dutiful to its country... err Team, with complete selflessness and full integrity? Moreover, he is at least playing by the rules of the game! So what if this is happening outside the Cricket ground... its election time, you know! Election in India is the Mother of all National Festivals as it is rare than even a Leap year that happens every 4 years; it occurs every 5 years and hence could be called as a Flip Year... On the flip side, err...!

Whenever it comes to the debate about Moral vis-à-vis Ethics, I resort to a story that I use in 'Corporate Governance' Sessions of my CSR Workshops.

A man purchased a box of very rare, very expensive box of cigars and insured it against fire among other things. Within a month he smoked his entire stock of cigars and without having made even his first premium payment on the policy, the man filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the man stated the cigars were lost “in series of small fires”.

The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion. The man sued and won. In delivering the ruling, the judge agreed that the claim was flippant. He stated nevertheless that the man held a policy from the company in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure against fire, without defining what is considered to be, “unacceptable fire,” and was obligated to pay the claim.

Rather than endure a lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid the man $15,000.00 for the rare cigars he had lost in the “fires”. After the man cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the man was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000.00 fine.

It is for the Conscious-Keepers and Culture-Police of the Society to debate about what this Man’s Act should be termed as – Ethical but Immoral or Unethical but Moral or something else; we sure have this mentality approaching us with the intent of buying our rare, precious and invaluable ‘Vote’ and burning it in smoke of the factories of ‘development’ without even appreciating, let alone insuring it. And this intent is both Unethical and Immoral for sure. 

American Film Director Chuck Russell known as astute maker has stepped into Hindi Movies with ‘Junglee’ that released today. There is more to this film apart from Live Real Breathing and Running Elephants and Vidyut Jammwal’s Kalaripayattu skills but Atul Kulkarni once again takes the cake with his cunning poacher Keshav who ‘loves’ the animals for their ‘value’ that he can put a price on, for example Bhola’s 6 feet long Tuskers. Now, no matter how appealing, convincing and powerful Keshav’s expressions seem and lure, it needs to be remembered that he portrays a villain because of his commercial intentions that are equivalent to camouflaged agenda of crony capitalism.

Meanwhile RaGa seems to have struck a right chord, no, no not with the Rangeela Girl Urmila, that is a causality (or would be, sooner or later!) but with NYAY based on the principles of but different from UBI in execution. This Nyuntam Aay Yojana – Minimum Income Scheme is neither a boon nor a magic wand but, no prizes for guessing, is an election tool, a poll vow as it is generally referred to, but still it has definitely helped to bring a Real Issue (at least one) to the surface as the election momentum garners the heat. That way RaGa has surely taken an advantage by touching upon an issue that is close to Majority of the Indians who are too underprivileged to enjoy IPL T20, with or without its intrinsic controversies! Now the Billion Dollar Question (literally!) is, with 3.4% fiscal deficit, where all this money would come from? While Congress has claimed that it will reveal its ‘PLAN’ with details in its Manifesto, it could be safely assumed that owing to the unprecedented risen levels of income inequality in India in the post-liberalization era, the over-privileged(?) would be taxed creatively to fill the gap which seems possible with counsel of hardcore Economist and International Academician and Expert like Raghuram Rajan!

I have written about Social Justice in my Blog-post CSR is not about Profit but Justice! It is easier said than done, I know and understand but there is no other way to co-exist peacefully and thrive for inclusive sustainable development. And nobody said that it would be a piece of cake and whoever assumes it to be so is certainly overconfident or living in a fool’s paradise. It’s high-time for all the contenders as the People are well awake and aware now than ever and with about 10 Crore First-time Voters who are presumably uninfluenced by political views and focused more on ground realities dear to them, it doesn’t get any tougher. No Jos Buttler should make an advance by taking it for granted for, there is one R. Ashwin for every Buttler who can catch the later on wrong foot and send him home by Mankading! Vinoo Mankad couldn’t have imagined in wildest of his dreams that his simple spontaneous ‘thinking-on-the-feet’ act would go deep in history to change the course (and narrative) of the game... May His Good Soul Rest in Peace! Be it R. Ashwin’s legitimate but supposedly un-playful act or the Propaganda by the political parties prove to be the Pandora’s Box, it remains to be seen who succeeds in grabbing the Vote... err Genie and lock it in the ballot... err bottle!

Way to go...

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


तकरीबन ३० साल पहले स्वर्गीय शरद जोशी द्वारा लिखी गयी 'जिसके हम मामा है...!' ये व्यंग कथा आजभी उतनीही, बल्की कुछ जादाही, सच मालूम पडती है I पढ़नेमे और सुननेमें भले यह व्यंग चाहे कितनाभी मजेदार लगे, विटंबना तो इस बात की है ७० सालके बादभी हर पाच सालमें एक नया मुन्ना हमें मामा बनानेमें कामयाब हो जाता है, वो हर बार गंगा नहा जाता है और हम तौलिया लपेटे उसे खोजते फिर रहे है I इस बार अगर हम सावधान न रहे तो यकीन मानिये तौलियाभी न बचेगा...! इसलिये तीन चीजोंका खास ध्यान रखें –

१. यदी आप भारतके निवासी है और आपकी उम्र १८ सालसे उपर है तो आपका नाम व्होटर्स लिस्टमें है इस बात की  जाँच कर ले I ये लिंक आपको मदद कर सकती है – National Voters Service Portal

२. आपके प्रभागमें मतदान का दिन और समयकी बराबर जानकारी रखें और उस दिन, उस वक्त दुसरा कोईभी काम न ले क्यूंकी इससे महत्वपूर्ण काम करनेका मौका आपको अगले ५ सालतक मिले न मिले I २०१९ के लोकसभा चुनावकी शेड्युल आप यहां देख सकते है – General Elections 2019

३. किसीभी मिडिया, सोशल मिडियासे मिलनेवाली खबरें जाँच लें और अपनी खुदकी परिस्थिती, अपेक्षा तथा भविष्यके हिसाबसे अपना मत बनाये ना की किसीके भुलावे, दबाव या राजनैतिक छलकपटसें प्रभावित होके I

‘मुन्ना’को छोडीये, अगर तौलियाभी बचाना है तो इतना तो करनाही पडेगा I और चलते चलते एक और बात बात दूं, प्रजातंत्रमें जनसहभागकी बात तभी मुमकिन है जब जनतंत्रका प्रत्येक नागरिक सुशासनमें अपना योगदान दे जिसकी शुरआत नागरिकके अग्रिम संवैधानिक अधिकार एवं कर्तव्यसे होती है जो है अपने क्षेत्रका अभ्यास करके अपना मत बनाना और हर चुनावमें मतदान करना I

राजनैतिक दलोंके नारे भुलाकर दिलोदिमागकी आवाज सुने और चले, सचमुच बनाये एक नया भारत, एक बेहतर कल...!

We will have A Nation of OUR Dreams,
NOT of THEIR Mission or Vision...!

Way to go...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I am not actually a fan of Artificial Intelligence, particularly of the frenzy it has evoked, but neither a hater of it, for sure. I have always maintained it that if the end objective and purpose of any application, innovation, tool and technology is for larger good without compromising anybody or anything, it must be welcomed and supported. The picture of politics all around the globe was never this gloomy in the history of civilization and despite 63% of World Countries (123 of 195) having a Democratic System of Governance, Democracy never seemed to be so much abandoned by its protagonists and exploited by its beneficiaries who have a singular and similar agenda of gaining absolute power that is believed to corrupt absolutely...!

In this context, no matter how utopian, romantic and hence impractical it seems, César has nailed it by marrying AI with Democracy, at least in his imagination and envision, that is! I couldn’t help but rejoice even with just the idea of having my own Personal Representative in a Democratic System who could learn about facts, analyze them rationally, think independently about the issues at hand and express it's opinion in policy matters that would lead to Strategic Decisions that could become the legislation in process. It doesn’t get any romantic than this, only if it could be made possible by one way or other!

I know and understand, as well as César, that this is neither fantasizing the situation nor promising something that can never be achieved – neither of us is a politician, you know! However, no matter how perfect this idea of having your own 'Avatar' in a Democratic System that will keep an eye on all the developments and keep all the developments in check gives a stimulus to the proactive mind and make positive vibes run down the spine; it would have a fate of struggle and strongest resistance from all the political powers of the world as it will try to keep a watch on them and govern their actions – exact role-reversal of the situation that they have toiled to create for centuries together!

Nevertheless, with a political fact that we cannot even bring a Lokpal Bill in effect that is principally agreed by all the politicians, presumably, I am not living in a fool’s paradise to assume that what César proposes is imminent anywhere around the globe, let alone in this part of the world. However as the all-time-great Shayar Ghalib has said it precisely and profoundly –

“हम को मालूम है जन्नत की हक़ीक़त लेकिन
दिल के ख़ुश रखने को 'ग़ालिब' ये ख़याल अच्छा है...!”

We know very well about the situation of Heaven
The very thought of it soothes Ghalib’s mind, nevertheless!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Do YOU Know...?

If you still read a Viewspaper (Spell-check – the tiniest yet most dangerous form of Artificial Intelligence [don’t believe my words? try texting a message with Wi-fi and be ready for the disaster when AI changes every instance of Wi-fi to Wife!] tried to change it to Newspaper – the classic example of how ‘technology’ decides what you have in mind or how you ‘should’ think!), I bet you would find at least 10 reports of death in one way or other per day, no matter where you live and which Newspaper (damn that spell-check!) you read. One third of it would be because of disease (resulting from any and every reason), one third would be accidents (killing included) and one third would be suicides, on and average; natural (?) deaths are not considered as they don’t make NEWS! This statistics, and the root-cause of all three, itself makes a statement about the present condition of the society and it becomes scary when it reveals the fact that most of the deaths of Farmers and Soldiers are either by suicides or accidents they meet with on road, rail or in air rather than ‘on field’. We seem to have decided committing more to ‘Amar Jawan Amar Kisan’ than ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’, isn’t it?

This is a concern and a question too. Democracy is not about just casting your vote, never in exchange of a favour, but it is about having an opinion and a responsibility to carry that opinion on your shoulders. Opinion is neither a tradable commodity nor can it be exchanged for a material gain or thing, it needs to be formed, nurtured, developed and expressed at the right times in right ways; election being one of it! And a prerequisite quality of any ‘view’ or standpoint is being well-informed. The ‘i’ borrowed from the Social (and) Media seems to have replaced the ‘we’ in the ‘well’ making it ill-informed. It’s a scientifically proven psychological fact that if anything is said repeatedly, mind starts to believe it just because of the ‘echo’ effect, imagine what could happen when every type of available media is put to work of amplifying what you want to present as a rosy picture of anything – in plain language advertise it!

By the way, have you realized that Advertisement has become the barometer of performance lately? If you haven’t, pick up any Views-paper and try to find a ‘News’ in it amidst the propaganda or get down on the main road of your village, town, city or metro and look-up for the sky, your ‘vision’ would be blurred by the hoardings filled with sky-rocketing promises… It’s a show business after all, you know!

But this is neither an advertisement or any type of propaganda, so let me stick to my objective and to drive my point home all I need you to learn about a catchy term or phrase used in any type of mass communication to add some spice to the info and popularize it. You must have heard terms like ‘Believe it or not’ – there is a very famous Ripley’s series of true, weird and unbelievable stories with this name. Another similar phrase is, ‘Do you know?’ These could be very popular Song Numbers nowadays, but it generally is meant to share something important that you ought to know, otherwise!

It’s not time yet for Big B to call you on the Hot Seat in the next season of KBC but there’s no harm in refreshing the General Knowledge once in a while without any specific purpose, particularly for the questions that would never appear on KBC, not even as a Jackpot question, isn’t it? As an Independent, Reflective and Responsible Citizen with a Voting Right of a Democratic Republic Sovereign Nation, let us do this exercise for Alternative Inclusive Sustainable Development so that we could live and let live...!

1. Do you know India is an Agrarian Economy basically and it is one of the biggest in the world?

2. Do you know farmer families of half of the nation have ANNUAL income of ` 20,000/-? 

3. Do you know in last 50 years Agriculture Income increased merely by 20% vis-à-vis average income of all other sectors, including Teaching profession, increased by 250 to 500%, that is more than 10 to 25 times of Agriculture? 

4. Do you know besides lacking overall long-term availability of reusable water resources, 21% of the country’s diseases are water-related and 163 million Indians lack access to safe drinking water? 

5. Do you know out of the 10 cities with highest pollution in the world, seven are in India and our Capital Delhi NCR is at no. 11? 

6. Do you know more than one third of the world's malnourished children live in India, among these, half of the children under three years old are underweight and a third of wealthiest children are over-nourished? 

7. Do you know there are about 20 million street children in India, largest number in any country of the world? 

8. Do you know about half of the children in 7th Standard cannot write their name correctly or perform simple Maths operations like addition and subtraction? 

9. Do you know 7th Pay Commission would cause a fiscal deficit of 5 Lakh Crore Rupees in effect? 

10. Do you know, according to Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy’s report released on Tuesday, 5 Mar 2019, Unemployment Rate in India is Highest at 7.2% Since Sept 2016? 

11. Do you know we had a ‘Haircut’ worth few Lakh Crore in form of NPAs settlement of top borrowers? 

12. Do you know there is a Corporate Stimulus package of some Lakh Crore since 2009? 

13. Do you know there is an Economic Policy that governs concept, design and format of all other policies? 

14. Do you know these are some of the fundamental issues of prime importance that YOU should care for? 

15. Do you know every point above is actually a dot that could be connected to reveal a pattern? 

16. Do you know there is a possible solution to every situation including Kashmir? 

17. Do you know that YOU are responsible for everything mentioned above and much more unsaid? 

18. Do you know that YOU and ONLY YOU can change this...? 

19. Do you know that being free citizen of a democratic country - thinking independently, reflecting on things conscientiously and asking questions are three of your Fundamental Constitutional Rights? 

20. Do you know being 135 Crore means those many Heads, Hearts and 270 Crore Hands? 

21. Do you want to be a proactive responsible citizen or a reactive reckless puppet...?

We are done with Unit Tests and Final Exam is just round the corner. Brace up, pull-up your socks and do your homework right, for this would be the crucial exam for rest of your and future generation’s lives.

All the best and way to go...!