Wednesday, December 19, 2018


It is not just about Water... It is about all those resources which are common to all yet are distributed unequally just because some people could 'trade' them!

Well, Total Equality could be an Etopia but at least a little Empathy towards the less fortunate ones shouldn't cost a fortune to the privileged ones.

THINK and BE CONSCIENTIOUS with every single ACT of yours as it could mean LIFE to someone somewhere.

Remember UBUNTU...?

Saturday, December 15, 2018


The message is good, the narrative is relevant and the presentation is impressive with only a little loud and irate voice in between; had it been kept convincing, just like other voice-overs, it would have made great video message spreading the awareness using the same technology that is being blamed in the video message!

Every argument ‘against’ the technology is alarming and considerable. However, just keeping away from Social Media for a day (forget the week, mad or what!?!) cannot even be a solution at all, let alone ‘Sustainable’!

Whenever human mind is forced to abandon a thing or a thought, the urge and craving for it increases manifold, that’s the character of the human mind. So ‘putting it away’ cannot be the solution for anything, in general and for any addiction, in particular.

It is not to say that any addiction is good, but for the sake of discussion  and comparative analysis – all other addictions, including smoking that is being compared in the message, are engrossed into by an addict with its own choice and discretion by fully understanding and accepting the ‘cost’ and 'price' of it in terms of own physical damage as well as adverse social and environmental impact of it.

In the case of Technology driving the thoughts and controlling the actions of individuals making them completely dependent on the gadgets that use them as puppets, it is not just scary but disastrous to the entire human race that is the most evolved species of this only livable planet known to man.

Just like Morphine that acts directly on the central nervous system to decrease the sensation of pain making the feelings numb, this mindless over pour of useless, deceptive misinformation is killing the capacity of human brain to think independently, reason logically and act (or react!) socially and responsibly.

The sight of people seating together with ears deafened by head(less)phones and bent necks with eyes glued to their phone-screen is nothing short of an Armageddon that is imminent. All that this population with (hell)-bent necks and thumbs as the only active organs of the body, figuratively and otherwise, needs is a 'Purpose' to commit to – bigger than their ‘Self’ and beyond the spikes in the flow of the dopamine. Rest all will fall in place almost magically.

Way to go...

PS - Actually I watched this video through a LinkedIn Share and the subject and concern expressed in it is very dear to me as I have always maintained my position against the excessive, mindless and absolutely addictive obsession of Social Media, I wanted to comment on it. My comment, as usual, exceeded the Characters limit for a LinkedIn comment and I am forced to write this post outright... Thanks for reading it here all the same.