Tuesday, October 16, 2018


If this #MeToo storm takes it to the uncelebrated
common places in every nook and corner around,
the cries let out would deafen all other senses
and make the world look like a live inferno!

Casual or Criminal,
Chargeable or Negligible,
Punishable or Forgivable,
Exploitation or Harassment,
Men/Women or Children;
everything and everybody is being ‘used up’
by the 'consumer-in-charge’ taking undue advantage
of the position and situation assuming it a
fair ‘exchange of favors’...!

Remember ‘Disclosure’, ‘Indecent Proposal’ or...
It’s high time we need a paradigm shift 
in our fundamental societal structure and 
our prehistoric ‘Homo sapiens’ mindset; a Latin word 
that actually means ‘Wise Man’… what an irony!

By the way that sanity, if it prevails anytime, would also help us, at least to understand, if not put a conscience full stop to, the agitation about the Sabarimala and many similar issues! 

Let us keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best, for a day
when this ‘most evolved’ species of ours understands and behaves
meaning of its Name and... Fame!
