The mastermind iconic scientist Albert Einstein was the proposer of many scientific theories that opened new avenues in the scientific exploration of matter and material. The most popular theory Einstein proposed was undoubtedly the Theory of Relativity. Being the notorious and charming personality the scientist donned, there are numerous incidences attributed to him, many of which cannot be validated. However there’s no harm in circulating them as those incidences also exhibit the peculiar nature of Albert Einstein and it won’t defame him as the moral of every such story portrays the scientist and his inventions in good light!
One such extremely popular anecdote is about a comic version of ‘Theory of Relativity’ that the scientist himself advised his secretary about explaining the complex theory in the simplest form that even a teenager will understand. The version says that ‘Sitting with a pretty girl for hours will feel like a minute and sitting on a hot stove for a minute will feel like hours… that is relativity!’ To find out whether Einstein said this or not is a job of the Quote Investigator and let us leave it to him and focus on the reference to context as one would realize that the expression is absolutely true, in letter and spirit, even if you just imagine it, let alone experience it!
The narration in the video above is a passage written by Carl Sagan for the book ‘Pale Blue Dot’ published by Random House, Copyright ©1994 Democritus Properties, LLC. While taking review of the entire human evolution and what humans have made of the only survivable planet of the galaxy in due course, it explains the theory of relativity with profound wisdom as it forces the reader/listener to contemplate on the fact how small and futile an individual and his EGO is when our entire planet is reduced to a pale blue dot in the frame of reference that was about 6.4 billion kilometers (4 billion miles) away and approximately 32 degrees above the ecliptic plane of our world!
To read the Transcript of the narrative in the video above, please visit - 'A Pale Blue Dot I The Planetary Society'
To read the Transcript of the narrative in the video above, please visit - 'A Pale Blue Dot I The Planetary Society'