Iceberg is one tenth visible over the surface and lies nine tenth below the surface of the ocean. Not just that, it is pyramid or cone shaped, which means its bulging volume under the water is huge than what a human eye can see or the mind can imagine. This same iceberg causes shipwrecks, most infamous in human history being the Titanic, so much so that anything on the verge of complete destruction easily qualifies as being Titanic! The tip of iceberg doesn’t look that scary or dreadful, in fact it’s a good view to please the eyes with its sparkling conical shape like a lampshade that illuminates the ambience of any living space. At times it shines like a diamond and manages to make a woman indulge in its seamless beauty. However the fact that it holds a potential of shipwreck under its mesmerizing tip could not be ignored while planning a safe and smooth voyage.
Secondly, a completely natural and momentary distraction from the path – no matter how romantic the reason of distraction being – can cause a havoc, is what Titanic has to teach the humanity. For the safe and smooth sailing, focus is as important as the thorough knowledge of the expanse you are venturing in. In absence of both these essential elements of a voyage, a shipwreck is not just likely it is almost imminent! And no voyage could be called successful that concludes in a shipwreck. History will take a note of it, no doubt, but would it be for any good reason? Well, what this philosophy implies is plan your voyage conscientiously, be prepared for the worst and yet have an action plan ready for the situations that you can neither anticipate nor seem to have control over. Hmmm, quite a tough job isn’t it…? But that’s what life is all about, in the digitally modern world, for sure!
Along with rampant verbal violence spread around through all the media, all the incidences of violence right from – farmer’s suicide to domestic violence to attacks on Doctors to sexual abuse and molesting to fighting and firing on the streets to heinous crimes like murder, rape and acid attacks to stone pelting on the army crews to terrorist attacks – are nothing but the outrage of a feeling that has only one thing at its core – frustration! Now what causes frustration could be a topic of a research and its outcome might list out hundreds of things in various scenarios and different contexts, however the string that will run through to tie these reasons together could be termed as – apathy; with nobody in particular to blame but apathy of entire evolved (or developed?) humanity towards its fellows. Now before you label and typecast me with some pseudo-humanist title so that it would be easier to outcast me eventually, take a deeper look all around with all the senses wide open and try to decode the message all those hideous incidences are trying to convey through their outrages…
A little concern, a small act of kindness, an expression of empathy and above all, a listening heart, a helping hand and a genuine recognition can work wonders. There’s no bigger solace than having a shoulder to rest on for an irritated mind and unfulfilled soul. Take out some time and first lend your ear to what the other has to say. Then extend your hand in the gesture of being helpful and not hateful. It could be followed by offering words of appreciation that would at least soothe the wound, if not heal it instantaneously. Finally provide a purpose for every being so that it could realize its potential and start a fulfilling journey by contributing to the common good in its own capacity and finding that dignity, self-respect and empathy, virtues of a being, in due course. No being is borne a trouble-maker or a criminal – circumstances and environment it develops in forces it to take the path of rebel.
This might sound very idealistic and philosophical, but then there is no Dr. Fixit with quick-fixes that would offer instant solutions to chronic problems. Fevi Kwik might be a wonderful adhesive, it cannot fix everything… alas! Even Allopathic treatment cannot claim to ‘cure’ a disease as it intends to suppress the pain for the quick relief the subject expects while nature takes its healing course. The remedy for recovering and regaining health is neither easy nor quick but it is the only way to regain and improve the health. When administrators of a system realize this principle, they will stop gazing at the classic romance between the capitalists and the market for the outcome called ‘development’ and will be aware of the locale masses that are being the iceberg. The moment the ship of development hits the bottom of the iceberg, it explodes like a dormant volcano that can erupt at any moment and burn everything with its lava. We need to be extremely careful while planning the route and steering the ship of development en-route as it in no way should hit the bottom of the iceberg that can transform into an erupting volcano and destroying everything around.
Let us be more empathetic, a little less ambition can do… Way to go!